A review by oldwindways
Bad Company by Jack Higgins


Honestly I was a little disappointed with [b:Bad Company|1124552|Bad Company|Jack Higgins|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1181188120s/1124552.jpg|2878327]. It has been years since I last read anything by [a:Jack Higgins|19706|Jack Higgins|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1253338164p2/19706.jpg], but I knew from previous experience what his works are like. My beef with Bad Company was the fact that about half way through I simply stopped being interested in the out come of the story. I enjoyed the early character development of the Barron and personally found him to be a much more identifiable (or at least admirable) character than Sean Dillon and his colleagues. So when they shift the focus to the tension between Dillon and the Barron's son, I was left bored and disenchanted.

Perhaps it says more about me than the book that I found my self rooting for a character who turns to be a villain, or perhaps I have out grown Higgins' style. I guess I have just come to expect more depth from my gun totting anti-heroes.

Will I give Higgins another chance? Most likely yes, but at this point I'm going to be particularly cautious about it. It is my hope that returning to his earlier works (this one was published in 2003) may reprise the enjoyment I recollect from his classics such as [b:The Eagle Has Landed|295961|The Eagle Has Landed|Jack Higgins|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1173480227s/295961.jpg|2593744].