A review by realbooks4ever
The Dead Yard by Adrian McKinty


Adrian McKinty’s THE DEAD YARD is the second novel in the Dead Trilogy starring Michael Forsythe, an Irish mercenary.
Michael is trying to lie low in order to avoid being sent back to a Mexican prison he escaped from. Unfortunately, he gets picked up in Spain, where he is given a choice to either infiltrate an Irish terrorist cell in the United States, or go to Mexico. He chooses the U.S. assignment.
The story is told from Michael’s POV and he can be very funny in his comments (in between the torture/murders of the terrorists).
The pace is fast and I love the main character. Having read all three books in the series, I’m sad that Michael’s adventures have ended, but I’m looking forward to McKinty’s new book, FIFTY GRAND, coming out in April 2009.