A review by becsa
Wild Steamy Hook-Up by Piper Rayne


Dominic Mancini is the last brother to find happiness and love but for him he has always been in love with Valentina Cavallo until she went and married someone else. Now Dominic has buried himself in his job and flings until a drunken night in Vegas turns everything upside down.

Valentina Cavallo Sommerland knew her heart always belonged to Dominic but when certain situations happen she has found herself married to Max Sommerland and then divorced and left as a single mom to Ryder.

When a drunken night in Vegas leads to the two of them getting married they both realize that an annulment is the best way out of it but with two Italian mama's nothing is as easy as it seems!

This is another great book in the series and full of a lot more emotion due to the past but at the same time a little more frustration as it's only gradually that you learn the huge past the two of them share.

Dominic was so focused on his work that he allowed himself to put a huge wall up around his heart and he only made time for causal sex with no strings. You could tell that he had been burned in the past by love and therefore stuck to sex with no attachments.

Valentina was raising her son Ryder and trying to run dance studios. She has had her shares of ups and downs with her relationship with her ex-Max and it appears that her life has finally settled down.

The Vegas marriage was interesting in that both said they made a mistake right away even though they had such a past. I thought it was so funny that Carm put the pieces together and may have let it slip and then the Mama's were awesome!! They made me laugh so much and I loved how they controlled the whole situation.

From there on out you saw a change in both Val and Dom in different ways but both of them were still guarding their respective hearts even though they couldn't deny their chemistry and began to act on it.

I loved the little things like the scene at Val's parents store and how much Dom helped them out. One of my other favorite scenes was between Dom and Gia and once again there appeared to be a shift in Dom.

I knew something big was coming and the big blowup did not disappoint at all with both Dom and Val's insecurities controlling everything and not listening to the other one! I was shocked at everything that was revealed during that fight and my heart did completely break for Dom!

The end was awesome and I was so happy that the two of them were able to figure everything out and get on the right page!!

The epilogue was great and I am really excited for Blanca's story!!