A review by smcscot
Gone South by Robert R. McCammon


I love Halloween, and consequently, every October I read exclusively horror books. It being only September I wanted to begin to get in the mood, so I decided to pick this book up, because I knew it was a bit Gothic in tone, and anything that has to do with faith healers in the Bayou is going to have a good introduction to the tone I strive for in October.
So I read this book with these expectations in mind, and it totally surpassed what I thought it would be. I shouldn't have been surprised because McCammon is a wonderful author and a wonderful storyteller, with the ability to take the some of the most outlandish ideas and make them palatable (I.E. Wolf's Hour).
This book is by no stretch of the imagination a horror book. It is much more an adventure, but with surprising depth. He brings the themes together exceptionally well, and you transition from the everyday, to the fantastic, but in such a smooth motion that you don't notice it happening, and then your stuck looking at this beautiful landscape of the mind where redemption, hope and salvation come together.