A review by thriftygeek
The White Gryphon by Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon


One of the strengths of this book is the fact Lackey knows how to write a villain. She can get into their minds and show us the twisted thoughts these guys have. I love that we have two cultures trying to figure each other out trying to hold true to that which is them and have room to grow as they work together. It's nice to see fantasy that while it has very serious dire moments leaves room for our characters to have light humorous moments where they pick on each other. Out of all the books in this trilogy this is the one I always struggle with, the political heavy beginning makes me feel like I'm slugging my way through, until the action picks up to the later end of the book. I appreciate Lackey gives us characters who are middle aged or possibly brushing it, proving the young bucks arn't the only ones who can save the day.