A review by desolation73
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas


After being mightily impressed with the Three Musketeers earlier on this year, I pulled this chunker off the shelf and started to read it on a weekend break in Dorset. I had tried to read this before but the size of it put me off. Until I read Stephen Kings The stand and realised sometimes very long books are worth the effort.

Theres little doubt that this book deserves its immortal status as a literary classic.

Id say that it starts off absolutely brilliantly , sags a bit in the middle section but rewards your patience with it unquestionably in the finale. But it could also be that I ran out of stamina at some points in the reading process, maybe because this legendary book dates back to 1840 some of the language makes this a harder book to read than say Stephen King's The Stand which is a couple of hundred pages longer but this also makes finding the treasure and conquering it even more of an achievement. Finishing a book of this magnitude should fill a reader with an immense sense of pride but its a heck of a story and worth the time and the effort a reader has to put into it. Long may the treasure of monte carlo reward and inspire its readers.

Thankyou Alexander Dumas.