A review by caseroo7
Love Me By Christmas by Jaci Burton


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I have enjoyed many books by Jaci Burton over the years, and this one sounded really good. I have to admit I have a thing for romance stories that are on the forbidden side, and this one fit that a little with it being about Ellie and her brother-in-law. While there were things I liked here, this one was just okay.

After losing her husband while pregnant with their son, Ellie moves in with her brother-in-law Nick so that he can help her. Nick and Ellie grow closer over the years, raising her son Henry and coping with their grief together. But when both of them start to feel things for the other beyond friendship, each of them struggles with what that means for their lives going forward.

I really liked Nick. He was a great guy, sweet and supportive, giving everything he had to Ellie and Henry. He loved those two so much and it was easy to see that his feelings were genuine and weren't out of some sort of obligation. Ellie was where I had problems. At first I really liked her. She had been through a lot and yet she was putting her son first. But as the story went on, she got more and more on my nerves. Her constant pushing Nick away and trying to set him up was beyond frustrating, and I just got to the point that I was sick of it. These two had chemistry and a connection, but Ellie's actions and second-guessing her and Nick's feelings was just too much for me to get over.

I also felt that while Henry was in this story, he wasn't present. He was always out of the scene or going to someone else's house. It seemed as though he wasn't hardly around, except when it was mentioned about how great Nick was with him. I really would have liked for him to been more a part of the story at the end especially when Nick and Ellie were really starting to make progress. It would have been interesting to see his feelings as their relationship progressed. Overall, this one was okay, but between Ellie driving me nuts and Henry's absence this one wasn't what I had hoped for.

**ARC Provided by Sullivan and Partners**