A review by fflur_jones
How To Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran


This book was bad for a couple of reasons. Firstly, there was definitely an element of generational disconnect. The book felt a little outdated with some of her examples (i.e. deciding to grow out her armpit/pubic hair) more commonly accepted today.

I also feel this book would have worked so so much better as a memoir rather than trying to be a sort of feminist manifesto. The chapters that really worked (mainly the last few) revolved around her experiences with abortion and motherhood.

In the earlier chapters, where she strays away from her lived experience, Moran's feminism is very... well, white and western. And this is ultimately the downfall of the book.
From suggesting that feminists should reclaim the term "strident feminism" like the Black community reclaimed the n-word to stating that she has decided she is against burkas, Moran's "feminist" talking-points are only dissected and viewed through a western lens and end up being quite racist takes on the topics discussed. In the case of the burka for example, Moran views them solely as an imposition by men but doesn't actually seem to take into account what women who actually wear burkas think of them.
Overall, this is just a very outdated book.