A review by notagreatreader
The Alchemist's Touch by Garrett Robinson


I did not enjoy this book. It had a lot of potential, the magic system of the different branches of sorcerers is interesting and the political intrigue hook seemed interesting but it all was just kind of underdeveloped. Most importantly, I spent the majority of the time frustrated by the characters and their actions (especially that one teacher who didn't believe that Ebon didn't know any magic when he told him).

First, we have the protagonist Ebon who's this 'woe is me' 'hello darkness my old friend' emo kid. He has magic talent and wants to learn magic but his despotic father won't let him. He's been very downtrodden. His family name apparently inspires fear or contempt in everyone he meets and he just wants to get away but doesn't really do anything about it. He's just too passive for a YA protagonist and as a result, the plot moves very slowly.

Then, there's the two friends Ebon makes along the way but I just couldn't see why they liked Ebon and they seemed to be hanging out with him for material gains (Ebon agreed to pay one kid to help him learn magic and then a girl joined them because she was poor and Ebon had money for alcohol). Like, I guess, by the end Ebon became more pro-active and it made sense that they had a bond but I just couldn't see why those kids would stick with Ebon to reach that point.