A review by blimeburner
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis


If you watch the movie first, then don't expect the same story. The basic story is the same, but the main plot of the movie is made for the movie.

I think that, while the book is good in its own right, I prefer the movie. The way that they expanded on the Dark Island to make it the main evil is interesting. The main thing that I prefer in the movie is the way that they chose to show Eustace becoming a dragon. In the book, he's only a dragon for two chapters. While he does have the character growth that he has in the movie, it's fast-forwarded and is kind of just out of nowhere. In the movie, since he's a dragon for the majority of it, he had all that time to grow.

I'll admit, I don't remember the first four books that clearly, but I don't think the religious tones were quite as strong in those. Lewis was a Christian, and admitted that Aslan is a representation of Jesus. I never really saw that until this one. Clearly Aslan's country is Heaven, it's a long journey to get there, it's a paradise, and once you're there you can't leave. Aslan also tells the children that he exists in their world as well and that there are doors to Aslan's country in their world. Also, there's the whole lamb becoming a lion thing.