A review by wrentheblurry
A Little Book of Sloth by Lucy Cooke


4.5 stars. I never thought of sloths as cute until I read this book. But oh, they are indeed so very cute. At least the babies, and A Little Book of Sloth is chock-full of photos of them. Slothville is where they live--it's a rescue home for abandoned sloths. The workers there aim to rehabilitate the sloths and prepare them for the wild, though plenty of them also are permanent fixtures at Slothville.

I learned plenty about sloths, making this title good not only for oohing and ahhing over, but also for reports for school. On sloths. Because now I think a lot more of those need to be assigned. Did you know it takes FOUR WEEKS for a sloth to digest one meal? Wow. Also, they have odd poopy behaviors, but I won't spoil that one for.
