A review by realadhdoug
A God That Could Be Real: Spirituality, Science, and the Future of Our Planet by Nancy Ellen Abrams


This book sort of blew my mind. It offers a profoundly original way of understanding god that offers personal meaning and social value without having to sacrifice reason or reject scientific discoveries. The book reads more like a manifesto than a work of serious philosophy or theology, so the author does at times simplify the claims she is trying to refute, without giving serious consideration of their merit. Nevertheless, the core insight—that perhaps god is an emergent phenomenon (and still absolutely real)—makes this book worth reading. I’m sure there are other works that explore ideas like process philosophy, panentheism, and evolutionary theology in a more robust fashion, but I’ve never read anything that presents this idea of god in such a poignant, succinct, and intelligent manner. Definitely check it out!