A review by annashiv
Wait Till Helen Comes: A Ghost Story by Mary Downing Hahn


I chose to read this because I remember reading it in fifth or sixth grade and I remember I really loved it then. I wanted to see if it was still true, and I found it was. I really enjoyed it again. I couldn't remember anything that really happened, and was sucked in from the first word. It may be for children, but the writing is still great and story is amazing. I feel this will always be one of my favorite books. I kind of even want it to be made into a movie, I think it would turn out well. I recommend this book to every child unless they get terrified way way way way way too easily. I would even recommend it to anyone looking for a quick and run read while still getting an amazing story. This book gets two thumbs way way up! (Sorry for my overuse of the word 'way.' It couldn't be helped).