A review by grid
Architects of Memory by Karen Osborne


Wow. I ripped through this book.

It may have been somewhat circumstantial. I haven’t been reading much lately. Started a handful of books that I just couldn’t get into. Played 130-odd hours of a video game and did little else. So my brain was starved for this: interesting science fiction narrative packed with ideas and intrigue.

I’m not usually into the slavery/indentured humans narratives. I quit a book earlier this year that was full of future slavery. I just… it’s too soon. Too close to home. Too plausible.

Anyway, that was only one aspect of this novel, and while it was still painful to read, there was enough distraction with all the alien tech and political intrigue. I won’t try to describe it. It was a quick read. Definitely enjoyed it. I will read the sequel immediately.