A review by ladyelizabeth
Queen of the Underworld by Helen Scott


The cover drew me in and I did not research beforehand, so I found myself reading the last book in a series. I was not so bothered by it because I was able to understand what was going on, it would have been nice to read the previous books first but I did well anyway.
Helen Scott knew what she was doing, or that's what I think because the story begins with action and continues to be action packed until the end. There is not one dull moment in this book and I can say that, even though I needed more info at some points, I enjoy the book very much.
Poppy, as a character struck me as a genuine person, that cares about the people she loves and cares about fairness. I don't know much about how she came to be in the situation she was in, but I enjoyed her reactions, her choices and the way she carried herself as a Queen later. Her guys made curious enough that I'm going back to read book 1 and book 2 in this series.
I would recommend this book and Helen Scott as an author. It was my first book by her but I could see her talent and I can hardly wait to see what more she has in storage for us in the future.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.