A review by a_novel_ty
Love You Forever by Christina C. Jones


I started this book at around 6am this morning, (because for whatever reason, when I woke up this morning to use the bathroom, I thought it would be a good idea to start a new book than to go back to sleep) went back to sleep at around 9am, woke back up at 11am to keep reading and finished at around 1pm. I think I broke a record.

As a matter of fact, not only do I think I've broken a personal record for least time taken for me to finish a book, but I also think Christina C Jones broke a record as well. For pumping enough feeling and emotion into such a short book to make me cry...YUP I CRIED! GO ON AHEAD AND JUDGE ME.

First of all...the Serendipitous Love series has been nothing but a ray of sunshine in my reading life. When I pick up each book in this series, no matter which characters the focus is on, I can always count on these books to deliver high intensity feels, great banter, amazing dialogue, authentic life situations and #relationshipgoals.

I felt a really special connection to Sydnee while reading this book for several reasons. We eerily have a lot in common so while reading this novel, it was so easy to put myself in her shoes, which is why I think this book hit me enough to elicit those traitorous tears.

This review isn't going to be about me being sappy though. Let's get on to the goods! Love You Forever follows Sydnee "Short Stack" Scott and Harlan "Hot Cakes" Ramsey and of course, since this is a CCJ novel, regardless of how short it was, we also get to follow their family and friends. Sydnee shows back up at home after two years working as a chef at a restaurant in NYC only to have to revisit the feelings of betrayal and jealousy towards Harlan as well as anger and resentment towards her father. Sydnee has wanted to manage her father's Pancake Restuarant "Stacks" since she was a little girl, so having to face the fact that her father gave that position to Harlan instead is the main point of contention between the two who were once very veryclose friends.

I loved reading the journey Sydnee went through in coming to terms with her feelings towards Harlan and her dad. CCJ's ability to pack such an emotional punch in all of her stories, regardless of how long or short the novel is, never ceases to amaze me. This book is only 160 pages, yet I feel like I not only got to witness a relationship develop and fully blossom between Harlan and Sydnee, but I was also fully engrossed and invested in the relationship between Sydnee and her dad, her friends, and THEIR friends...WHAT KIND OF SORCERY!? SERIOUSLY.

*sighs* I loved this book...that is the bottom line. I loved the character development, the progression of relationships, the family dynamics and the peeks at different friendships and potential relationships (*coughs* there should be at LEAST two more books after this *coughs*) strewn throughout. Did I mention this book is only 160 pages??

So that's all I'm going to say for now because I keep having to read the synopsis to make sure I don't spoil anything, so READ IT!