A review by fourclarkes
Ravage Me by Ryan Michele


Well then...

Harlow AKA Princess is being released from prison for a crime she didn't commit. She grew up in the MC, her brother and father are both members, but she always told herself that she was never going to get involved with a member. She doesn't want that life for herself and is more than capable of getting "her rocks" off elsewhere.
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That is until she is meets all alpha male, Cruz. He is new to the club and has become a member while Princess was incarcerated. He is a force to be reckoned with and doesn't do slow. He is in your face, he takes what he wants, when he wants and doesn't accept anything less. That is until it comes to family and perhaps Princess.

Princess is ruthless. She stands up for herself, doesn't put up with crap and will go down swinging. The change in her that is caused by Cruz had my mind spinning. She acted in ways I didn't really expect from her. While she never lost her edge, she can be tamed.

This was a good introduction into the Ravage MC. You meet a lot of characters, threats, friends and enemies. There is a number of things happening in the background and one threat leads to many unanswered questions and more players than was first thought.

I really look forward to getting to know all of the players better and find out what in world is going on with Princess's brother and best-friend.