A review by ravencrantz
Death Note: L, Change the World by M.


Oh boy! Another Death Note related story! How exciting!

...yeah not really. Had I not known of the Death Note universe and really enjoyed the series, I don't think I would've finished this one. I understand that this is set in an alternate universe to the actual series
Spoilersince L is still alive while Kira is dead
, but there were so many confusing bits of information. The words really didn't flow nicely, and I think L's character just doesn't translate well into the written word. It was really hard to keep track of who was who, who was supposed to be the good guy, who was the enemy...I understand that there's some virus thing going on and people are trying to use it to cleanse the world, but why? And I swear that Raye and Naomi had speaking roles in this book, but were supposed to be dead. How does that work. I just don't get it.

This really doesn't add anything to L's character like the BB murder case book did. If anything, it confused his character. L is supposed to be aloof and pretty unemotional. Yet here he is feeling for people? For a little girl? Maki was incredibly annoying, by the way. One minute she's saying she's going to kill someone, the next she's curled up in a ball, crying in her sleep. I just don't like her character.

Apparently this is also a movie? I guess I can see that. I might look into it and see how it compares. Death Note is so much of a visual story, that the movie might actually work out better in this case. The book just dragged on and on, and I wound up skimming through the last few pages just so I could be done with it.