A review by curls
Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon by Kerrelyn Sparks


This book was an absolute delight!

It seems like lately I’ve been reading books where the guy is a jerk to the heroine, she is feisty but eventually gives in no matter how crappy the guy previously treated her. There’s usually some type of mating bond, since it’s a fantasy or PNR, and it explains away his jerky alpha male behavior. If you want to read a book like that, this one is not for you. Silas knows what he wants, he goes after it, and he’s not a jerk to Gwen. He’s actually nice to her and doesn’t care that she’s an elf, an enemy of his people. He’s funny and teases her, and gives her an actual reason to like him.

I loved Gwen. She’s not strong in the sense of swords and steel, but when someone she loves is in dangers, she literally jumps on a dragon for them. Her power is healing, and I love a great healer story. Also, Gwen has a lot of angst potential. She was given away, raised by nuns, the society around her is distrustful of her kind and rude to her at best. Instead of focusing on the negative, she is grateful for her sisters and keeps the friends she has very close. She has no hopes for children or a family of her own, but instead of being sad, she focuses on being a great aunt to her sister’s children.

When her beloved niece is kidnapped by a dragon, she jumps on and catches a ride so her niece won’t be alone. She is taken to another kingdom, with a mad queen who is kidnapping children and claiming them as her own. Gwen is convinced by Silas to stay and use her healing powers to figure out what is going on. So there’s an actual plot, not just the main couple meeting. And it made me laugh. Any book that makes me laugh is a win!

The world building was great. It’s set in another world, with different kingdoms and gifts. This is the third book in the series. I had not read the other two books but it didn’t stop me from understanding this one. I plan on reading the other two books.

I’d recommend this if you like fantasy romance, shifter stories, or want a good laugh.

Thanks Netgalley and the publisher St Martin’s Press for an arc of this book.