A review by elvang
Fake It Till You Make It by M. Ullrich


M. Ullrich continues to stretch her literary wings following the angst-filled Life in Death with something light and fluffy. The biggest mistake a reader can make when reading Fake It Till You Make It is to take the story too seriously. If you want to enjoy this quick, light-hearted read it would be wise to suspend belief on several fronts.

A small town girl, bored with her career and her ten year relationship with her high school sweetheart applies for a job online without googling the business or owner. Cue the awkward moment when Gen discovers the magazine she is interviewing for is an LGBT publication and she bluffs her way into the job with a little/big white lie.

After ten years with a boyfriend (because that’s what you do to survive in small town USA), when surrounded by gay coworkers it is impossible not to catch the gay and be infatuated with the androgynous boss, Harper. Ignore the queasy boss/employee dynamic. What is untenable in real life is possible in a fluffy romance, especially when someone is as handsome, suave and well dressed as Harper. Totally swoon-worthy. Historical evidence will eventually prove you might be more gay than you realized. Or Bi. That works too.

In every sunny lesbians life a little rain must fall. You can’t just walk off with the most eligible lesbian in New Jersey and not expect some fur to fly. They call it “living your truth” for good reason. Somebody will want to bring you down for your errors of omission.

I might laugh at the implausibility of some of the situations which our intrepid journo Genevieve found herself but like a Goldie Hawn or Sandra Bullock movie, sometimes it’s just fun to sit back and enjoy the awkward moments you know are coming. I loved the chapter titles as they foreshadowed what adventures awaited Gen. I did wish Harper wasn’t so one-dimensional or maybe she just came across that way when compared to the plucky Genevieve.

M. Ullrich remains on my must read forever list because from one book to the next, you never know what you’re going to get. I love a surprise.

4 stars

ARC received with thanks from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley for review.