A review by loverofromance
Her Secret Guardian by Linda Needham


This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceMy Review


Kailey Hewett, promising her foster father to marry Simon de Marchand, she starts a new chapter in her life. Kailey is overwhelmed by Simon, who confuses her at times. Simon is the king's sheriff, and he upholds the law. He has a dislike for his father, where Kailey loved him. He raised her and loved her, but there are secrets that Simon is keeping from Kailey. Kailey wonders how she can love this complicated man, and make him her 'family'. Kailey lost her parents at a young age when her father was accused of being a traitor and hung, and her mother followed soon afterward. Kailey was passed around to different foster parents until she came under the care of Simon's father. She created her own sense of family, and would do anything for them. Now she has a new life with Simon, a life that is unfamiliar to her. But Kailey is curious more about her past, and what Simon has to do with it. Soon her investigation will cause past hidden secrets to become revealed, but will their love for each other to stand against the truth?

Plot and Story Line 

Her Secret Guardian was such a wonderful story and I couldn't get enough of this book. I decided to listen to this one. Especially when the narrator was Anne Flosnik. This narrator is one of my favorites when listening to historical romances because she does the accents so well and I am always impressed when listening to her. Many aspects and the tone of the story seemed familiar to Julie Garwood. So if you are a fan of Garwood, than Linda Needham is an author you need to try. I have been waiting to read this book for quite some time and I am so glad that I was able to finally get to it. This story is set in the medieval era, around the 1100's I believe. This is such a fun setting to read or even listen to books that are set in this particular time period. What I found most intriguing were the aspect of the "law" and the sheriff. We see the culture of the time, the way people back in this time period viewed laws and law breakers.

Simon was quite interesting because he upholds the law to a high standard, has a firm spiritual belief that tie to it, but he also has an another reason. Simon was a character that was very mysterious through most of the story. We see how much he cares for Kailey, and from the beginning he is drawn to her. Simon has watched over Kailey most of her life, he is protective but also confident in her abilities. When we learn the truth behind both of their past and how much they are tied together, it just about breaks your heart. Kailey was quite spunky at times, impulsive and stubborn, but I liked her despite how naive she was at certain times in the story. She does have this certain innocence about her, but in many ways I found it endearing instead of annoying. She is quite protective of those she calls "family" and I really liked the friendship she strikes up with a accused thief. That was an interesting plot twist in the story and the lengths so goes to, to make sure her friend is proved innocent. Other supporting characters I really liked were the "jester" and the "squire" they both added humor and a familial closeness.

The actual romance that develops between Simon and Kailey is slow going. Its not an insta love connection, it takes a bit of time for them to develop affection and trust. They don't actually "consummate" their marriage for a while. Simon is a bit elusive, but Kailey...she is bold when it comes to the bedroom. This aspect of her character did surprise me at times, but to be honest I don't know why. She is a bit headstrong, and she practically seduces him, which was very amusing. The tone of the book was a mix of facets that really intrigues the reader. It is amusing and entertaining, lively at times but also has serious tones as well. It has depth and a beautiful love story I couldn't get enough of. I was quite put out when the book ended because I just didn't want it to end.

The Cover 

Not my favorite of Needham's cover, but it has an older style I have always liked. What I really love is the bold stance which totally fits with Simon's character. I love the background, though, so vivid and bright.

Overall View 

Her Secret Guardian is a story that takes you back in history, vivid in historical detail, rich in the love story, and bold in the development of characters. Packed with mystery, passion, and hidden secrets.

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