A review by missriki
Speed Shrinking by Susan Shapiro


Susan Shapiro brings us self-help "guru" Julia Goodman, who seems to have lost all she holds as stable and steady in her life when both her best friend and her psychoanalyst/editor/sounding board/obsession move away from her. Although Julia at times comes off as self-centered and myopic, I found myself rooting for her to "speed shrink" her way to a thin physique and a healthier outlook on life. Any woman who has ever felt conflicted about food will identify with Julia's tendencies towards the occasional all-out cupcake icing binge.

I love the way Susan Shapiro brings Julia's therapy sessions to life with quick, realistic therapy dialogue. As someone who has visited her share of "shrinks," I felt right at home in the offices of Dr. Ness and the handsome Dr. Cigar. In true-to-life fashion, not every relationship Julia tends ends up as fulfilling as she'd hoped, but it sure is a fun ride along the way.