A review by fortheloveoffictionalworlds
Reid by Melanie Moreland


Also Posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Disclaimer: An eARC was provided via Enticing Journey Book Promotions and the Author as part of the Blog Tour. The Thoughts, opinions & feelings expressed in the review are therefore, my own.

Actual Rating 4.5 Stars

I fell in love with Ms. Moreland’s work when she gave me BAM Boys – they were honest to god, some of the most wonderful fictional men I have had the pleasure of meeting – they were the epitome of faith & loyalty; but most of all; unconditional friendship is all about. It hurt my heart to say goodbye to the men I fell for – Bentley (Read My Review); Aiden (Read My Reviews) and Maddox (Read My Review).  

But the author healed that hurt a bit when she announced that we would be getting Reid’s HEA! 

Reid broke my heart
– all through the book; not only it was a wonder that he turned out to be the kind, gentle boy he is; but he also had my admiration for the strength of character he showed through – out the book! This honestly made me jealous of Becca – she got to hug, love and protect him throughout his life – but it made me proud that I found an author who does a brilliant job of finding perfect partners for characters her readers have fallen in love with!  

But what I loved most about Ms. Moreland in this book; she definitely didn’t shy away from the fact that Reid is an ex – con! Even though he had turned his life around; his past did have an impact on his present and future – the author showed the reality of exactly what being an ex – con is like without the rose colored glasses.  

What I also admired and definitely adored was the support and foundation that my BAM boys gave Reid – he found three elder brothers without him even realizing it – the non – judgmental attitude & the unconditional support they gave him; baffled him yet cemented my adoration for these men who gave this orphan not only a second chance but also the family that he oh so clearly needed.  

I have been on the journey with BAM boys since the start; and while it hurts my heart to say goodbye to these wonderful boys – it helps that all of them are in their happy place! 

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