A review by cher_n_books
A Parchment of Leaves by Silas House


3 stars - It was good.

I have heard people call others hard-hearted, but it’s not your heart that turns to stone when something awful happens. It’s your gut, where all real feelings come from. That was froze up inside me and I didn’t long to thaw it.

Reminiscent of [b:Cold Mountain|10920|Cold Mountain|Charles Frazier|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1442416348l/10920._SY75_.jpg|1006369] - easily recommended to readers that enjoyed it as well.
Favorite Quote: I’ve heard people say that they liked to watch the world come awake. But the world is always awake; sunlight just makes it seeable.

First Sentence: There was much talk that spring of a Cherokee girl who was able to invoke curses on anyone passing her threshold.