A review by winterreader40
Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione


This is a bit of a different story as it is built on the assault at the end of the last book. Thanatos(5000 years old, also known as Death) was a virgin until Regan raped him(they were both drugged) and this shows us what happens next and how they move on with their lives and with the baby that came from that night 8.5 months ago.
Regan plans to give the baby away because she doesn't feel she will be a good mother or able to keep him safe, she's never had a stable home or family. Once Thanatos learns about the baby he wants nothing more than to keep him, he has always wanted a family/child but never expected he'd be able to have the chance.
It was actually refreshing to read a story where neither character has a lot of experience in the sex department. Watching them heal together was very sweet, now I can't wait to find out how this part of the story all ends in the next book.