A review by may63536
The Italian Secretary by Caleb Carr


I actually enjoyed the story of the book. It was quite entertaining.
Now, what first called my attention was the cover. I was going to buy the book even if it wasn't about Sherlock Holmes because I liked the contrast of color on the cover and I like mysteries.
I liked how, as in other new Holmes novels there is a small introduction, something as to why we're reading this now. I liked the constant references to the original stories, comparisons to the characters found there and things like that.
I thought Watson's voice was good sometimes, but other times he did or said something that made it ruined it. Holmes's voice was totally off for me. I understand what he said about the power ghosts had over people, the belief people had, but I found it contrary to what I've read on the short stories. He denies any possibility of supernatural activity.
I thought the usage of History was excessive. It is a detective story, but it became too much of a historical thriller to me, and the Sherlock Holmes stories mostly used History only as background, not as such a big part of the plot. Even the ones where the monarchy was somewhat involved, it was only because he lived at the Victorian Era, so that was the History that was going to be used. In this book, History was not part of the background, it was connect tightly to the plot. Without it, there would be no book.
I didn't like the excessive use of italics, in places there would be no need of such a tool, because there would be no need of emphasis: the reader could supply the voice of the character in their head and understand perfectly what was being said. However, something I liked, was that Carr, like in the original stories, sometimes told us how something would be important later, or how the importance of what was said or done would make more sense to Watson later.
In the end, I decided to give this story 3/5 stars.