A review by octavia_cade
Das Prometheus-Projekt by Sondra Marshak, Myrna Culbreath


So I'm trawling my way through the early Star Trek books, and my goodness are the writers obsessed with Mr. Spock and Vulcans in general. They're clearly presented as superior beings here, while Kirk goes through an inferiority crisis after being relieved of command and being made to answer to Spock - the relationship between them is drawn quite well I thought. The story itself is based on that hoary old sci-fi staple of realising you're in an experiment conducted by aliens, and the authors actually do it fairly reasonably, although it's a bit heavy-handed and the phrase "Hell's Kitchen" is repeated ad nauseam. The book gets points for its determined stand against animal abuse, though, and it's genuinely disturbing when it describes (modern day, and by Kirk's time historical) experiments on such.