A review by kaz_loves_books
The Children God Forgot by Graham Masterton


Chiasoka was driving her car when she almost crashed with a bus due to agonising pains in her stomach. A woman kindly called an ambulance to take her hospital. Once there and the hospital had done the tests, she was informed about being pregnant. She said she couldn’t be, she’d had an abortion and it had been successful. They all agreed to terminate the pregnancy but when the doctors saw the baby open its lovely blue eyes, they just couldn’t kill it. They put the baby into an incubator in a separate room with a nurse monitoring it. When Dr Macleod took Professor Karounis to check on the baby it was missing from the incubator. The nurse had left it alone so a search of the building was made and CCTV checked to see who could have been near that wing, with no luck. They had to bring the police in to investigate.

Gemma, worked as an engineer in the sewers for Crane’s Drains and usually loved it.
Only she had felt spooked after seeing a child-like face peering down at her earlier when she was in the sewer, Newton hadn’t seen it. When Martin arrived, he joined the team going into the sewer for a look himself at the fatberg. Their helmet lights gave off enough light to work with. They found a severed woman’s hand in the fatberg and Martin said the police had to be called. He asked Newton to take a few pictures and then, ping, all their helmet lights went out. They turn to leave the sewer, Gemma catches a glimpse of white in the distance, it’s a child-like thing floating towards them, then there’s more of them. It then goes pitchblack while the team are being attacked and their helmets are being torn off. The team tries to make their way back to the sewer opening. They then realise Martin is missing. They call the police. MIT decided this is a case for their crime busting time of DC Jerry Pardoe and DS Jamila Patel.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Had me hooked from the start and I just couldn’t put the book down. I like both Jerry and Jamila and would like to see them again. They work well together. It was a great story. This is true horror! One of Masterton’s best that I have read.