A review by katiemayveil
Brass Carriages and Glass Hearts by Nancy Campbell Allen


I LOVED this book! The steampunk aspect and the shifters and vampires, it's oddly relatable?
Emme O'Shea is a wildly popular and successful activist for shifters. She aims to get them equal rights so they don't have to hide who and what they are, but so they can confidently hold jobs and live life just like everyone else.
Detective-Inspector Oliver Reed has always been on the opposite side of Emme, stopping her protests, taking her to jail, at least that's what she sees. When Emme's life is threatened, Oliver is enlisted by his superiors to protect her so that she can safely deliver the key-note address at an international rally for shifters.
As they spend more time together they discover that they are not as different as they first thought. Emme and Oliver see eye-to-eye on many issues, it's only the tactics they use to achieve change that is different.
It all comes to a show-down with vampires, evil step-sisters, oppressed shifters, and the fight for good.
I recommend this book for anyone who loves a good fantasy, Cinderella, and adventure. Probably best for 16 and older.