A review by maddie408
The Night Guest by Hildur Knútsdóttir


Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an ARC in return for an honest review!

The Night Guest was quite the ride. The story revolves around a woman who wakes up each morning feeling tired, her body exhausted and does not know what she could have done to cause this. It snowballs from there, turning spooky interweaving her family and relationships. I personally thought this story needed more depth. The ending was quite abrupt and felt too quick, not really answering many questions that I had. It left the story very open ended which as a reader reading a thriller, I was expecting more. I also found the characters to be quite unlikeable, including the main character. She had many disturbing thoughts and her inner monologue was not one I really enjoyed experiencing. I think this story had great potential and I did finish it quickly, but I found myself frustrated with the lack of storyline and ending.