A review by booksuperpower
The Fourth Secret by Andrea Camilleri


The Fourth Secret by – An Inspector Montalbano Mystery by Andrea Camilleri is a 2014 Open Road Media Publications. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was invited to review this one and since I love mysteries I agreed to read and review. So, as I went to put the book in my “to read” shelf I noticed there many titles in this series and this book was translated into English from Spanish. I believe I it right that this book was originally published in 2002. This does explain a lot of things the reader might wonder about such as the mention of VCR players and only one small reference to a cell phone. I thought it was kind of funny and it didn't have an effect on the story.
This is a short tale involving a string of deaths at construction companies.
“Six dead in the workplace in one month in the province of Montelusa is quite a number.” Once the inspector is notified, a bit too late to prevent another death, he begins to wonder what is going on and why. The death rate did seem really high.
“Was anyone keeping track? Yes, every now and then , somebody did, and then some contrite face of a newscaster would announce to the entire world how that was certainly a high number, however, it was within the average of the European Union. And now on to sports. Thank you and come again.”

I thought some of the dialogue was pretty funny, I don't know if that was intentional or not. I had no trouble following along with the story, but while I am no expert on translations, I did have to wonder at some of the dialogue. Did this character actually speak this way or was it a bad translation? I really do think the translation was a little off .
Overall, for being unfamiliar with the series, and with this one being a really short read, I don't know if I picked up on all I should have but I caught enough of the character developments to pique my interest in reading a longer novel in the series somewhere down the road. This is certainly not the story you want to start out with. I was on the fence with this one but to be fair I am going to sit down in the middle of the road and go with a 3.