A review by jonetta
Abandoned by Allison Brennan


Investigative reporter Maxine (Max) Revere was abandoned by her mother when she was nine years old, left with her wealthy grandparents and only hearing from Martha each year by postcard on her birthday. The cards inexplicably stopped sixteen years ago and no one has heard from her since. However, Max recently learned that her car was found in Northampton County, Virginia, registered under an alias that ties back to the Revere family. Even though the car was discovered sixteen years ago and Max has long been certain her mother is dead, she believes answers lie in the town so she heads to Cape Haven to do what she does best…find the truth.

Max’s missing mother has been in the background of every story in this series so my expectations were high for this one and were far surpassed. Martha Revere was with Jimmy Truman when she abandoned Max with her family so it came as a surprise to learn his family was from Cape Haven. His brother Gabriel was co-owner of the resort where Max was staying and Jimmy’s been missing for almost as long as Martha. The investigation not only answered the question of what happened to Martha but also revealed many other secrets that were shocking and life changing.

While many questions were resolved in this story, the revelations just created more so I’m saddened that this is the final book in the series. There was a lot going on and the introduction of a new man in Max’s life made it even more compelling as I really liked him. I listened to the story and the narrator delivered another outstanding performance, her storytelling befitting great writing. It ended on a bittersweet note but one that bodes nicely for Max. I’m hoping to see her appear in future stories in the Lucy Kincaid connected series, at least to get updates. Even if she doesn’t, I’m left in a good place despite lingering questions.

Posted on Blue Mood Café