A review by hank
The Unknown Universe: A New Exploration of Time, Space, and Modern Cosmology by Stuart Clark


Clark turns out to be a dark matter, dark energy skeptic, I didn't see that coming. He lays out a pretty good case and I have been drinking the cool-aid up until now. I guess it is time to re-evaluate.

This is a very accessible (read understandable) discussion of our current knowledge and lack of knowledge of the universe. The background material and run up is all focused on the big bang with expanding universe and what we think we know. Even though I have read several books on the same rough subject, I enjoyed how Clark communicates the information and his discussion of our Universe.

Highly recommended for anyone wanting to go 1/2 a step beyond [b:Astrophysics for People in a Hurry|32191710|Astrophysics for People in a Hurry|Neil deGrasse Tyson|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1527255595s/32191710.jpg|52832605] with a much narrower focus