A review by 1bookobsessionconfessions
Noble Prince by Devney Perry


4.5 Stars ⭐️
This book has all the “feels”, great emotional depth, an intriguing story and so many great characters.
I love the the underlying themes in this book.
One of the biggest was discovering your unknown strength.
I loved seeing Scarlett slowly realize her strength and worth despite mistakes she made(and she’s had a very rough life.)
Scarlett was a character I wasn’t sure about at first, she quickly became very likable. I love her quirkiness and her generosity.
There’s tension and mystery through the story as Scarlett is in hiding from a Motorcycle Club that’s “after” her.
The romance between the characters was very fun, sweet and satisfying. I loved these two together!
Luke is a great guy and we get to see his sexy side, too! He’s steady, kind and strong.
They have great chemistry and emotional connection. I loved the flow of their relationship. It had a natural feeling and pace.
Characters from the previous books in the series are in the story and I really love them all!
There’s a point where Luke really has to question his morals and I loved that part of his journey.
I was on the edge of my seat a bit throughout wondering if Scarlett would be found and if so, what were the consequences for everyone going to be.
Very satisfying with great characters!
This series continues to entertain me. I really enjoyed it!