A review by stephhreads
Spoiled by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan


Spoiled surprised me. It did.

I didn't expect much from it, and I read it just for the entertainment value ("for the giggles"). It starts off with plenty of name-dropping, pop culture references, cliché situations and cliché characters. The plot isn't extremely deep or intricate and is pretty straightforward and classic for anything of this particular subdivision of YA. But it surprised me.

I was expecting something of a very shallow, light read, full of cattiness and brand names. Spoiled is a light read, but once you get past all the celebrity and brand names and the plot begins to move along, it gets a lot more into the emotions and mindsets of the two main characters than expected. It's nice to see the dynamic between the sisters and how they learn to live and deal with each other. Both characters have their extremely annoying moments, but in the end, I actually sort of like them. Or at least empathize with them on some level.

The one thing I really like about this book is that it isn't about a romance. I love my romances, but sometimes contemporary romances, or just all romances in general get a bit tiring. This book is pretty much solely about the relationships within a family--mainly between the two sisters, but also touching on their relationships with their parents and how it has affected them.

Overall, Spoiled is a rather fun, fluffy read. It's mildly entertaining and doesn't force you to think or feel too much.

3.5 stars