A review by oliviak07
Boundless by R.A. Salvatore


As I told my boyfriend Andrew, who gave me the second book in the Drizzt Trilogy for our anniversary; R.A. Salvatore knows how to leave the reader wanting more!

There is quite a bit to discuss when it comes to the world of Menzoberranzan, and the drow that live inside and outside of its grasp. There is also quite a bit to discuss regarding the traveling back and forth of timelines, which in addition to Drizzt's journal entries remains an author's choice that I admire. As I consider the reflections of my world and history as I know it when Menzoberranzan looks into the mirror, I would be curious to what readers deem dated, relevant, blasphemous, or a potential future if ignored.

My other joy from the series comes in how they depict the halflings, their humor, their power, and their heroism. As a proud halfling on Roll20 and off, I had to rave to my boyfriend about the dazzling and badass spotlight that shined upon them in the prologue. Their sympathy, due to another death and force of grief that I was not ready for, is just as contagious as their goodwill and optimism.

Also, can we talk about how fucking awesome the name Rumblebelly is?!

I have the third book ready, and the first of the overall series on deck, and I cannot wait to see how this battle of the millennia plays out!