A review by yangyvonne
A Widow for One Year by John Irving


Ruth is 4 when her parents separate, switching back and forth in the main home over the summer. Her father hires 16 year old Eddie as his assistant, but really to be his wife's young lover. This happens, which begins a life-long obsession for Eddie. At the end of the summer, Marion leaves Ruth (haunted by memories of her 2 deceased teenage sons) and doesn't see her for 41 years. The b book follows Ruth between 40 and 45 to tie-up these open ends.

A good story that is bogged-down by porn. Irving can't seem to leave the erotic alone, which detracts from the human interest and deep psychology in the story. The Harry character is ridiculous - why would Ruth jump into a 2nd marriage when the 1st took her so long to agree to?