A review by nini23
House of Stone by Novuyo Rosa Tshuma

Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
I find it difficult to take an author's writing seriously when he writes cringeworthy lines like these:

Her breasts jiggled under her exquisite collarbone. He wondered if they were soft and mushy like the inside of an over-ripe pawpaw, or lumpy like the inside of a granadilla.

He chased after her as one pursues conquest. No, he did not want to forage towns, cities and countries. It was the soft hills of her breasts he longed to scale, the mountains of her buttocks he longed to conquer.

[As a Public Service Announcement, if one has numerous lumps in the breast, please go for regular breast cancer screening. One in eight women will get breast cancer in their lifetime. Early detection is vital.]