A review by bkclub4one
Live Like Legends by Kate Cornell


The marriage between Carson and Kalista is a marriage of convenience. At the last minute she is forced to wed a different prince from the one she had been groomed to marry.

The marriage is based on a prophesy that Kalista is meant to save the Estralian people.She is meant to destroy an immortal beast that has cursed Carson’s kingdom. Easy enough right? Well, no. Kalista is the most incompetent heroine I’ve read lately. Even at her best, she was ridiculous.

I didn’t care much for her or really, anyone in this book.The characters were shallow and unmemorable. None of them lived up to my expectations. I can’t even describe Kalista to you, to me she was just some princess.

The story itself dragged on and on. It’s reasonable for us to know about Kalista’s insecurities and fears, but surely not in every chapter. Reading from her point of view was so tedious I wished the author would have switched it up and included Carson’s POV.

Most of the action happened towards the end. The big “reveal” was anticlimactic and simplistic. At this point I was just glad to be done with the book. I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone since the only reason I completed it was because it was an ARC.