A review by blvrread
The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yōko Ogawa


The Housekeeper + The Professor by Yoko Ogawa

It will be perfect to read this book if you have the knowledge of baseball and basic maths! As for me who has not both, I found pleasure reading this novel in enjoying moments the housekeeper stills her patience in serving her short-term memory client, the professor.

The roller coaster journey keeps you feeling agitated and curious and excited, but all falls on one basic feeling, sadness. Sad as a housekeeper who in her everyday life needs to greet the professor the same way as the first time she comes to the house. Sad as when they have fond a close relationship today, it needs to reset tomorrow because of the professor's 80 minutes memory span.

The story is beautiful, it's pure love and pure sadness one can be feeling throughout the whole story. It makes you want to feel the appreciation but no, you don't want to be forgotten tomorrow