A review by duckiedarling
Comic-Con Strikes Again! by Douglas Wolk


Fascinating, and kinda depressing. I think everyone is missing the point of fandom: story. Story makes us human and not cash cows. It takes us away from IP ("Intellectual Property") to look at why movies, art and books are just so darn interesting.

The phenomena that is the San Diego Comic Con is unique; the corporations and the people that go are the leaders and fools of the world (the question is who is who?).

There is one thing that bothered me about this article? book? idk. I was miffed at how the writer can scoff at and claim allegience with other fans. His tone is often snobish and condesending, yet he makes his career (ahem, money) off of paying attention to what makes these people tick. This behavior was sometimes frustrating, and other times confusing. Everybody is a fan of something, even in "polite society."