A review by bibliobrandie
The Troubled Girls of Dragomir Academy by Anne Ursu


Excellent middle grade fantasy that asks "Who does this story serve?" In Illyria the sorcerers are male and boys are brought up to sorcerers and girls are brought up to serve them. Ursu builds an intriguing world where "troubled girls" are sent away to be refined. She weaves a layered tapestry that is somewhat heavy-handed in criticism of gender inequality, but I was totally there for it.
"How many other girls were waiting outside the door, waiting to be let into a room with books and friends and keys to opportunity? Waiting to be told they had potential?
This story is full of magical trappings and interwoven intrigue. The characters are wonderful and you can't help but route for Marya, who has been told her whole life to make herself small and quiet.