A review by redhairedashreads
Ancient Egypt: A Photographic History by Nigel Fletcher-Jones


5 stars for the photographs
3 stars for the text 

The majority of people are probably going to pick up this book for the photographs within it, not for the text but it isn’t strictly just photos so the text also needs to be reviewed. The photographs within were beautiful and really were what drew me to picking up this book, and are probably what will draw most people to this book. This would be a beautiful book to just flip through and admire the beauty of ancient Egypt, but the text included with the photos was not so great. 

The text itself was sometimes dense, sometimes confusing, and sometimes sparse. Because this is such a brief overview of ancient Egypt from beginning to end it does need to be a very quick version, but some sections felt very dense and confusing. This was partially because at times there were whole paragraphs where it was just rapid succession of rulers' names, most of which were the same name just a change in roman numerals. A timeline would have got the same information across without being so dense. 

Overall, if you are looking for a photography book on ancient Egypt I would recommend this book, but if you are picking this up for the text, be aware that it is very condensed and might be a bit confusing at times. 

*ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*