A review by sidhewitch
The Corsair's Captive by Ruby Dixon



Audiobook Review.

The Corsair series is off to a strong start with this one! Coming off IPB, it was so nice to have a totally different personality type in the male lead. He's a charming rogue outlaw with a taste for expensive clothing, ruthless but not heartless. As with Prison Planet Barbarian, the "stand alone" prequel to this series, I was a little disappointed at the return of Fated Mates tropes, but the trope only really applies one way so in that way at least it's different from the IPB lore. 

Half star taken off for continued use of "female" instead of "woman" which will forever give me Ferengi vibes, and the very dated feeling "haha silly woman if I wanted to rape you I would have already" jokes. I'm not against dubcon and dark romance, but this book has neither of those things and the jokes just felt weird and very 80s Bodice Ripper. 

Still probably gonna buy it though. 

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