A review by saltycorpse
Wolf by Mo Hayder


I'm unsure if Hayder meant this to be the final book in the Caffery series or not - I recently found out she unfortunately passed away a few years ago. There's a lot that isn't tied up in this book, and a Fight Club-esque ending scene that I'm not sure is meant to be literal or figurative.

As much shit as I've given Hayder over aspects of her books (and I stand by the shit given) she really was a decent writer and did some unique things within the genre. It's a shame she won't be around to write more.

Apparently this book is being made into a limited series, and the casting looks pretty good, too. Given the framework of the novel it would work well as a series that kind of brings in all of Caffery's background established through the other books. I kind of hope they change the ending, though.