A review by rose8
The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende


Any review that can be left regarding a 20th century masterpiece will likely fall a bit short, but here I go trying anyway.

This was my first exposure to Latin American literature with all of its twisting turns and magical realism. The book was so beautifully written that I wonder how much a language course would cost me so that I can read it in the original Spanish.

The plot flowed really well and kept me engaged with every page. The character development was flawless and by the end of the book, I felt like they were my closest friends. I knew their strengths, weaknesses, hopes, and dreams. I knew these things not because Allende told me what they were feeling at every turn, but rather because they showed me themselves through their personality and actions.

This was truly a masterpiece. Following generations of the same family through their love affairs and trials, Allende has created a book that will touch any reader. This book not only touched me but allowed me to truly appreciate great writing. Her sentence structure and word choice (kudos to the translator) made me a better writer and a more refined reader.

If you're already on this page reading these reviews, do yourself a favor and pick up this book. If you're a Jane the Virgin fan, you'll be happy to know that Jane is also quite enamored with Allende's writing like the rest of us.