A review by angrywombat
The Incompleat Enchanter by L. Sprague de Camp


These were funny little stories.

The basic premise is fun - some sciency-types in our world figure out a theorem that lets a person jump into alternate-worlds. Shenanigans ensue

In the first story, our PoV character - prof. Harold Shea, is a tad dissatisfied with his life, and risks trying an untested theorem - and finds himself in the mytic world of miĆ°gard, complete with Aesir, giants, and the coming Ragnarok!

In the second, Prof. Shea is joined by his colleague Prof. Chalmers (a more ... sedate... professor) and find themselves in the chivalric world of the Fae!

These are basically "fish out of water" stories, with "modern" folks traipsing around in these worlds with radically different ways of thinking and acting - and what really throws them is that the basics of the world are different: phyisics doesn't work as expected, and magic does!

Silly and fun. The language is a little strange, and the characters can be somewhat offensive but the self-mocking tone saves it :)

Need to find the other books in the series!