A review by lostinafairytale
The Shadow Prince by Bree Despain


Dear future me:

One day you will stumble across this book again and you will read the plot and be drawn in by the cover just like I was. And you will forget what made this book so bad that you threw it across the room at 1:30 in the morning and almost broke the lamp in the living room. And you will be tempted to read it again to give it another chance...


First off, the main characters are complete and total idiots. I seriously had moments where I questioned how they both had managed to live as long as they have.


Let's be honest, Henry was a total dingbat, but he was always a dingbat, so it wasn't really a surprise when he continually effed up and acted like a creepy, Edward Cullen-level stalker.


The real problem was Daphne. Poor, naive, stupid little Daphne.

Daphne is one of those people who makes you believe in Darwin's natural selection because if this was back a million years or so, she would be dead five ways over by now. As it is in modern time, she's still not doing so well.


But the kicker for me, has to be when Daphne confronts Haden about his super creepy tendencies to always be around her, even when she doesn't know he's watching. Does she do anything logical, like go to the police or fill out a restraining order?

Haha, of course. Instead, she jumps to the conclusion that he's around her 24/7 because he's trying to protect her.


And that Daphne is why you'd be dead. Some creepy, albeit cute boy starts taking way too much interest in you and asks you whacked-out questions and your conclusion is to kiss him and declare him your protector.


So in conclusion, future self, please, please, for the love of our book enjoyment, put this book down and run far, far away.

With love,

Present day me :)