A review by cpcabaniss
Elsewhere by Dean Koontz


"Libraries are not safe places, for their shelves are filled with books, but also with ideas regarding freedom, justice, truth, faith, and much more, ideas that some find intolerable. Book burners of all political persuasions know where to find the fuel when they feel the hour has come for action."

Another excellent read from Koontz. Elsewhere has elements of sci-fi blended in as the characters are thrust into a battle for control of a device that allows travel between parallel worlds. Some of these worlds are similar to their own and others are radically different and dangerous.

As usual, Koontz is excellent with characters. They each feel distinct, making it easy to read as the perspective switches back and forth between them.

The ending was a little too vague in certain aspects for me, at least regarding a few characters, but overall it was a very enjoyable read.