A review by readingspells
The Disappearing Act: The Impossible Case of MH370 by Florence de Changy


What happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370? You may think you know the answer to that question but the truth is you probably don't. This book will correct that for you though and make you look at the whole incident in a new and much more skeptical light.

This is a very detailed and well researched book tackling the story of MH370 from the moment it happened right up to 2018. It picks up not only the official story of the crash that is clearly nonsense but also some of the other theories that have been put forward. Florence de Changy has really dedicated herself to this investigation over many years, following up on numerous leads which leads her to her conclusion that is a fairly chilling one. Also, you will never really look at the airline manufacturing companies in the same light again once you know the extreme lengths they will go to to lay the blame at one anyone or anything instead of their airplanes.

This is not a short book and it is very detailed but it is well written and the more I read the more the more it became obvious that the official story line is clearly suspect and so what really happened.... Well I won't spoil it apart from to say it amazing what you can cover up if enough people have skin in the game.